Instrument details

Instrument Title

Condom Self-Efficacy Scale (CUSES)

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Source Article

Brafford, L. J., & Beck, K. H. (1991). Development and validation of a condom self-efficacy scale for college students. Journal of American College Health, 39(5), 219-225.

Response Options

1. Strongly agree (Always) 2. Agree {Often) 3. Undecided 4. Disagree (Seldom) 5. Strongly disagree (Never)

Survey Items

  1. I feel confident in my ability to put a condom on myself or my partner. ________
  2. I feel confident I could purchase condoms without feeling embarrassed.__________
  3. I feel confident I could remember to carry a condom with me should I need one._______
  4. I feel confident in my ability to discuss condom usage with any partner I might have. ________
  5. I feel confident in my ability to suggest using condoms with a new partner. ________
  6. I feel confident I could suggest using a condom without my partner feeling "diseased". __________
  7. I feel confident in my own or my partner's ability to maintain an erection while using a condom. ________
  8. I would feel embarrassed to put a condom on myself or my partner. ______
  9. If I were to suggest using a condom to a partner, I would feel afraid that he or she would reject me. _____
  10. If I were unsure of my partner's feelings about using condoms, I would not suggest using one. _____
  11. I feel confident in my ability to use a condom correctly. _____
  12. I would feel comfortable discussing condom use with a potential sexual partner before we ever had any sexual contact (e.g. hugging, kissing, caressing, etc.) ____
  13. I feel confident in my ability to persuade a partner to accept using a condom when we have intercourse. ________
  14. I feel confident I could gracefully remove and dispose of a condom when we have intercourse. ________
  15. If my partner and I were to try to use a condom and did not succeed, I would feel embarrassed to try to use one again (e.g. not being able to unroll condom, putting it on backwards, or awkwardness). ______
  16. I would not feel confident suggesting using condoms with a new partner because I would be afraid he or she would think I've had a homosexual experience. _____
  17. I would not feel confident suggesting using condoms with a new partner because I would be afraid he or she would think I have a sexually transmitted disease. _____
  18. I would not feel confident suggesting using condoms with a new partner because I would be afraid he or she would think I thought they had a sexually transmitted disease. _______
  19. I would feel comfortable discussing condom use with a potential partner before we ever engaged in intercourse. _______
  20. I feel confident in my ability to incorporate putting a condom on myself or my partner into foreplay.______
  21. I feel confident that I could use a condom with a partner without "breaking the mood." _________
  22. I feel confident in my ability to put a condom on myself or my partner quickly. _______
  23. I feel confident I could use a condom during intercourse without reducing any sexual sensations. _____________
  24. I feel confident that I would remember to use a condom even after I have been drinking. _________
  25. I feel confident that I would remember to use a condom even if I were high. _______
  26. If my partner didn't want to use a condom during intercourse, I could easily convince him or her that it was necessary to do so. _____
  27. I feel confident that I could use a condom successfully. _______
  28. I feel confident I could stop to put a condom on myself or my partner even in the heat of passion. _________

Internal Reliability

Alpha was .91 and after 2 weeks .81


Convergent validity is demonstrated by its relationship to other scales measuring condom and contraceptive use

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Brafford, L. J., & Beck, K. H. (1991). Development and validation of a condom self-efficacy scale for college students. Journal of American College Health, 39(5), 219-225.

When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.