Instrument details

Instrument Title

The Attitudes About AIDS (AAA) Scale

View PDF - The Attitudes About AIDS (AAA) Scale_ Trezza.pdf

Source Article

Trezza, G. R. (1994). HIV knowledge and stigmatization of persons with AIDS: Implications for the development of HIV education for young adults. Professional Psychology, Research and Practice, 25(2), 141-148.

Response Options

5-point Likert scale with response options: 1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 = Uncertain, 4 = Disagree, 5 = Strongly Disagree

Survey Items

  1. A hospital worker should not be required to work with AIDS patients.
  2. AIDS is God’s punishment for immorality.
  3. AIDS patients offend me morally.
  4. Having a coworker with AIDS would not bother me.
  5. Doctors and blood donation centers should required to report to Federal health officials the names of all those who have tested positive for HIV antibodies.
  6. Laws should be passed that require all persons getting married to be tested for antibodies to the HIV virus.
  7. If I learned that someone I knew had AIDS, it would be hard for me to continue my friendship with that person.
  8. Intravenous drug abusers have no concern for their own health, and so we should not waste financial or medical resources on caring for them if they develop AIDS.
  9. Homosexuals who get AIDS have gotten what they deserve.
  10. Most AIDS patients would not want to infect other people deliberately.
  11. Legislation should be passed to protect the civil rights of AIDS patients.
  12. A person who knows he has AIDS and who continues to engage in unprotected sex should be charged with murder.
  13. Children infected at birth and recipients of contaminated blood transfusions are the only “innocent” AIDS victims.
  14. Quarantine of people with AIDS is a good idea to protect the rest of the general public.
  15. I would take care of a family member or close friend who came down with AIDS.
  16. I would not eat at a restaurant where a known carrier of the AIDS virus worked.
  17. Insurance companies should not be allowed to required that potential policy-holders take an HIV antibody test.
  18. People who get AIDS from blood transfusions should be allowed to sue the donors.
  19. Teachers who have AIDS should be restricted from teaching.
  20. To protect other students, students who have AIDS should be kept out of the classroom.
  21. Homosexuals and IV drug users are responsible for the spread of AIDS.
  22. Safer sex education should not be allowed in public schools if it mentions condoms or appears to condone non-marital sexual activity.
  23. The high cost of treating AIDS patients is unfair to other people in need.
  24. It is dangerous to have too much social contact with people who may have AIDS, especially homosexual men and IV drug abusers.

For scoring purposes, Items, 4, 10, 11, 15, and 17 are reverse coded. Scores are additive, with the score for each item being added to the scale’s total summed score. Scores may range from 24 to 120, with higher scores indicating more positive attitudes toward AIDS issues.

Internal Reliability

Cronbach alphas ranged from .697 to .924.


Validity information was not available.

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Trezza, G. R. (1994). HIV knowledge and stigmatization of persons with AIDS: Implications for the development of HIV education for young adults. Professional Psychology, Research and Practice, 25(2), 141-148.

When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.