Instrument details

Instrument Title

W/SAS: Work/School Abuse Scale

View PDF - W_SAS_Riger (1).pdf

Source Article

Riger, S., Ahrens, C., & Blickenstaff, A. (2000). Measuring interference with employment and education reported by women with abusive partners: Preliminary data. Violence and victims, 15(2), 161-172.

Response Options

Yes, No, or N/A

Survey Items

The following questions are about things that (ABUSER'S NAME) may have done to bother you at work or to keep you from going to work. During your relationship with (ABUSER'S NAME) did he ever...

  1. Come to work to harass you?
  2. Bother your coworkers?
  3. Lie to your coworkers about you?
  4. Sabotage the car so you couldn't go to work?
  5. Not show up for child care so you couldn't go to work?
  6. Steal your keys or money so you couldn't go to work?
  7. Refuse to give you a ride to work?
  8. Physically restrain you from going to work?
  9. Threaten you to prevent your going to work?
  10. Physically forced you to leave work?
  11. Lied about your children's health or safety to make you leave work?
  12. Threaten you to make you leave work?
The following questions are about things that (ABUSER'S NAME) may have done to bother you at school or to keep you from going to school. During your relationship with (ABUSER'S NAME) did he ever...
  1. Come to school to harass you?
  2. Bother your school friends or teachers?
  3. Lie to your friends/teachers about you?
  4. Sabotage the car so you couldn't go to school?
  5. Not show up for child care so you couldn't go to school?
  6. Steal your keys or money so you couldn't go to school?
  7. Refuse to give you a ride to school?
  8. Physically restrain you from going to school?
  9. Threaten you to prevent your going to school?
  10. Physically forced you to leave school?
  11. Lied about your children's health or safety to make you leave school?
  12. Threaten you to make you leave school?

Internal Reliability

Cronbach’s α= 0.82


Convergent Validity

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Riger, S., Ahrens, C., & Blickenstaff, A. (2000). Measuring interference with employment and education reported by women with abusive partners: Preliminary data. Violence and victims, 15(2), 161-172.

When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.